
This February we were visited by the partners of the Erasmus + project Join The Game in order to develop a toolkit for an urban game that will encourage young women and girls to try their hand at masculinized professions.
When choosing a career, girls often reject masculinized professions (that is, those in which there are more men than women, or are considered “masculine” in the social consciousness). This applies to both vocational and higher education. Girls do not consider these occupations, despite being more in demand on the labor market and associated with better wages, research shows.
This is because of the stereotypes that young women face from an early age. Their beliefs about their own abilities and predispositions (deepened by the formal education system), as well as the expectations of women to combine their careers with traditionally “female” responsibilities (running the home, raising children, caring for parents, etc.) limit girls.
That’s why last month we worked intensively for three days with the Fundacja Laboratorium Zmiany project holders from Poland and partners UVIC – Universitat de Vic (Spain) and Pour La Solidarite (Belgium) for three days on the development of materials for an urban game that motivates to shake up the status quo and on the preparation of a manual for all potential game leaders so that the game itself gets the best results.
The game will be ready in the fall, and we invite all people who work with young people to follow the project!
Join The Game projekt u punom jeku!
Ove veljače u posjeti su nam bile partnerice na Erasmus + projektu Join The Game kako bismo razrađivale toolkit za urbanu igru koja će ohrabriti mlade žene i djevojke da se okušaju u maskuliniziranim profesijama.
Prilikom odabira karijere djevojke često odbacuju maskulinizirana zanimanja (tj. ona u kojima ima više muškaraca nego žena, ili se u društvenoj svijesti smatraju “muškim”). To se odnosi i na strukovno i na visoko obrazovanje. Djevojke ne uzimaju u obzir ta zanimanja, unatoč tome što su traženija na tržištu rada i povezana s boljim plaćama, pokazuju istraživanja.
To je zbog stereotipa s kojima se mlade žene susreću od najranije dobi. Njihova uvjerenja o vlastitim sposobnostima i predispozicijama (produbljena formalnim obrazovnim sustavom), kao i očekivanja žena da svoje karijere kombiniraju s tradicionalno “ženskim” obvezama (vođenje doma, odgoj djece, briga o roditeljima, itd.) ograničavaju djevojčice.
Zato smo prošli mjesec s Nositeljicama projekta Fundacja Laboratorium Zmiany iz Poljske te prtnericama UVIC – Universitat de Vic (Španjolska) i Pour La Solidarite (Belgija) tri dana radile intenzivno na razradi materijala za urbanu igru koja motivira na uzdrmavanje statusa quo i na pripremi priručnika za sve potencijalne voditelje igre kako bi sama igra polučila najbolje rezultate.
Igra će biti gotova na jesen, a mi pozivamo sve ljude koji rade s mladima da prate projekt!